Internet of Things (IoT)

In a hyperconnected world you need state of art sensors, architecture, platform, network and software & analytics to derive the true value of your Digital Enterprise

At Netpro, we help you define a step by step Digital / Industry 4.0 journey.

Within minutes of installation of sensors you can see the heatmaps of your shop floor assets, get insights, visualization real time whereby enabling you to get alerts, alarms, interventions / data driven decisions.

Platforms / Tools: Our own, PTC Thingworkx, Google, Amazon

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IoT : Use Case


A manufacturing company wanted to check its machine utilization, power on / off status, power consumption, output per machine, downtime due to maintenance and production loss due to such unplanned down time

Our Solution:

By use of IoT sensors all such data was picked up and pushed into cloud. Using our analytics engine / platform we could generate heat patterns and were able to raise alarms if certain threshold limits were exceeded and in some cases like a furnace was switched to low power when no jobs were in the furnace


Improve in asset utilization by 10-15%, energy savings of 25%, productivity improvement by over 15%, compliance to OEE parameters improved to 90%.

Iot use case
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